Chairman's Desk

Mr. S.V. Ingersoll, M.A.,


Our chairman who is an eminent scholar inculcating the younger minds full of brighter thoughts and executing the valuable actions to have their dreams coming true. Since he has got 13 years of rich experiences in handling the educational institutions and running them successfully, he is an ablest personality to bring out the best in the pupil’s mind. He has chosen the teaching arena keeping in mind that the future of perfect social structure is ensured in an amicable way. He has always believed that the futuristic approach only would help the students build their own destiny. He has rightly decided to open up the opportunities for the younger generations in the field of agriculture. As our Thirukkural quotes

“ உழுதுண்டு வாழ்வாரே வாழ்வார்மற் றெல்லாம்
தொழுதுண்டு பின்செல் பவர்.”

“Who ploughing eat their food, they truly live:
The rest to others bend subservient, eating what they give.”

This is the kural which inspired him to start up an agriculture college. He always works towards a hunger free society; children without malnutrition. Instead of giving a meal at free of cost teach them the art of earning.

This institution welcomes all the students for the prestigious profession in the world which is equipped with the code of behavior and moral values and the intelligence for the students that would groom to adjust accept and execute the things needed to become the leaders of tomorrow in the field of agriculture.

Let’s Learn and let’s live!